The Garage Games

The Northeast and the Southeast will going at it for The Affiliate Cup this year!  In the Northeast we will have three events.  Any Affiliate team wanting to be considered for the cup will need to compete in TWO of the THREE events.  This was just updated!  The same goes for the Southeast.

So what if the team members are traveling?  Simple.  Your team will be composed of NO MORE than 8 separate individuals, and no less than 4.  The only rules regarding these people:

  1. All team members must come from the same affiliate.  Non-affiliate teams may still compete, but the cup is awarded to the top Affiliate Team. 
  2. At each event, you must compete in the RX 2 men, 2 women team competition.  Other divisions will not count towards the Cup.
  3. Of the possible total 8 team members, 2 must be consistent across all competitions. So if you have Athlete A, B, C and D at event one.  You would need 2 of those athletes to be present at Event 2, and the same 2 at event 3.  So it could look like this for event 2: Athletes A, B, E, F and at event 3: Athletes A, B, G, H.  Thus you had 8 total athletes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H but two were present at all 3 events.
  4. Winning the series is determined by the best overall placement in your top two of three events (lowest total score).  If there is a tie, the tie breaker will be a short metcon picked by Jason Leydon at CrossFit Milford (Team Throwdown) for the Northeast, or the Event Director in the Southeast event.  This will be done at the end of the competition, when final scores are compiled.
  5. Tie breakers for non present teams will be held via online scoring from your home box.


Northeast Events:  Mass Mayhem – Sunday August 18th
Fall Faceoff – Friday – Sunday September 6th – 8th  Cancelled!!!
New England Team Throwdown – Saturday and Sunday October 19th and 20th

Southeast Events:  Us VS Them – Saturday September 7th
Pensacola Beach Brawl – Friday and Saturday September 28th – 29th  
Beer City Beatdown!

See the Cup!