The Garage Games

GGJR Open 2021

GGJR Open 2021

Everywhere - March 12th - April 1st

The Garage Games Junior Open 2021.

Submitting Scores Sheets

  1. Please use our scoresheets. Scoresheets from other competitions cannot be accepted.
  2. Parents should never judge their own children. Get a coach or another experienced crossfitter to judge your child.
  3. Athlete and judge must sign their score sheet before submitting it to The Garage Games
  4. Scan your scoresheet as a PDF file and name it with athlete’s name Ex. Johnny Smith 21-1.pdf
  5. Submit your scoresheet to by the deadline for that week

Video could be required in certain instances. Examples are provided below.

  1. If your athlete completes the work out in 2 minutes and the average time for everyone else is 10 minutes.
  2. If your athlete is consistently placing in the top 5 of the leaderboard we may ask for a video.

If in doubt, make a video of your athlete’s workout. Videos should be posted on Youtube or Venmo and a link sent to

Junior Open Workout 21.3 and 21.4

GGJR Open Workout 21.3 Standards and Scorecard CLICK HERE

GGJR Open Workout 21.4 Standards and Scorecard CLICK HERE

Workout 21.3 Teen (13-14)

15 minutes to complete the following
15 front squats
30 toes to bar
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Move immediately to 21.4 WoD

Rx: 45# male/35# female
Scaled: 35# male/15# female, knee raises in lieu of T2B, jumping pull-ups in lieu of pull-ups, jumping C2B pull-ups in lieu of C2B

Workout 21.3 Youth (10-12)

15 minutes to complete the following
15 front squats
30 hanging knee raises
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 push-up
15 thrusters

Rx: 15#
Scaled: PVC pipe, jumping pull-ups in lieu of pull-ups

Workout 21.3 Youth (7-9)

10 minutes to complete the following
12 front squatswith PVC pipe
20 sit-ups
12 thrusters with PVC pipe
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
12 front squats with PVC pipe
20 jumping pull-ups
12 thrusters with PVC pipe
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
12 front squats with PVC pipe
20 push-ups
12 thrusters with PVC pipe

Scaled: air squats in lieu of front squats, push-ups from knees

Workout 21.4 Teen (13-14)

7 minutes to complete the following complex
1 Deadlift
1 Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Shoulder to Overhead

Junior Open Workout 21.2

GGJR Open Workout 21.2 Standards and Scorecard CLICK HERE

Junior Open Workout 21.2

Workout 21.2 Teen (13-14)

20 minutes to complete the following
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
Rx: 20#/15#, 20″ box
Scaled: 15#/10#, 20″ box

Workout 21.2 Youth (10-12)

20 minutes to complete the following
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
Rx: 15#, 20″ box
Scaled: 10#, 20″ box

Workout 21.2 Youth (7-9)

10 minutes to complete the following
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
Rx: 5#, 3″ bumper plate
Scaled: 3#, 3″ bumper plate

Junior Open Workout 21.1

GGJR Open Workout 21.1 Standards and Scorecard CLICK HERE

Junior Open Workout 21.1

Workout 21.1 Teen (13-14)

15 minutes to complete the following
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
Scaled: scaled wall walk and single-unders

Workout 21.1 Youth (10-12)

15 minutes to complete the following
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
2 wall walks
20 double-unders
4 wall walks
40 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
8 wall walks
80 double-unders
10 wall walks
100 double-unders
Scaled: scaled wall walk and single-unders

Workout 21.1 Youth (7-9)

10 minutes to complete the following
1 bear crawl
10 single-unders
2 bear crawls
20 single-unders
4 bear crawl
40 single-unders
6 bear crawl
60 single-unders
8 bear crawl
80 single-unders
10 bear crawl
100 single-unders

All Standards will be released weekly alongside the workout which will give guidance on how to judge each movement. This is a fun, competitive and supportive event so lets grab your squad, team mates, friends, family and long lost cousins and lets have a blast building out Kids community!Happy Competing to our awesome Crossfit Kids community!