The Garage Games

You Are The One
Mar 2012 23

We exist for ONE really important reason.  To provide the outlet that you need to achieve your wildest dreams… ok, maybe not the “wildest”, but some pretty solid dreams all the same.  You know, we sometimes lose sight of what life has to offer.  We get so caught up in our path, that our path becomes a circle.  Around and around without any real focus on what lies outside of that circle.

In the CrossFit world, the last five weeks have been heavily focused on competition for many of us.  Our competition, the top competitors and their competition, the build up to the greater stage of competition.  It is awesome to be a part of it, it is really cool to be able to see someone perform the same exact WOD that you have performed, and to compare your time and efforts.  It is the reason why CrossFit has spectator potential like no other sport.  The only sport that I know of that you can actually put yourself in the exact same competitive environment as the pros, and live it moment to moment like they do, is CrossFit.

How cool is that?  But… the focus is often distorted.  This sport is awesome, this community even more awesome, and the reason is that the focus is on you.

Every CrossFit affiliate owner in the country has felt the joy of that athlete getting their first pull-up, or a woman pulling 200# off the ground, or getting that 100# overhead.  We have felt the joy of watching someone in their 50’s move away from stepping on the box to jumping for the first time.  To hear testimonials of weight loss, blood pressure change, normalization of cholesterol, and ultimately no meds and greater health.  Why do we do this, why do we exist?

Not to compete, not to be in the big competition… nope.

To grow competition everywhere, and at every level.  Why?

Because you are the one.  Nobody else, you.


  1. […] One Day Competition, get it all in… 10,000 sq ft facility…. the first in New Hampshire… or the WORLD of its kind.  This is the Garage Games, You Are The One! […]

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