The Garage Games

Xs & Ys 2013

Xs & Ys 2013

Woodstock, GA - December 7th

It`s that time again! Pick your partner (opposite sex and handshake or kissing) and come battle it out at The Garage to see which "couple" will take the title!

Here are the latest heat assignments which include WOD 3:


X’s & Y’s TEAMS!!! Heat assignments have been released for “Couples Therapy” (WOD 1) & “Yolanda” (WOD 2). “Day of Infamy Gauntlet” (WOD 3) heat assignments have NOT been released yet. We hope to have that out to you tomorrow.

Please be sure that you know your EXACT team name so your judges can record it accurately on your score cards. Car pool, car pool, car pool if possible. Parking is somewhat limited!  If you have not signed the waiver yet, please do so here:

X’s & Y’s Online Waiver

Check-in is from 7:30-8:15 am at The Garage. Don’t be late! Bring your canopy tents and rain gear and be prepared to (possibly) WOD in the rain! It’s going to be a great day!!

The WOD’s and standards are HERE!  Masters will use SCALED weights.


AMRAP – 7 minutes

Synchronized Clean & Thruster (Rx – 95/65, Scaled & Masters – 75/45)

Burpee Broad Jump

Alternating Wall Ball – Couples must throw to each other (Rx – 20lbs, Scaled & Masters 12lbs)

**Rep scheme has not been announced yet!!


“Yolanda” (UPDATED!!!)

5 Minutes – Row for Calories

Power Snatch 5 reps/5 burpees – each round = 10 calories (Rx – 95/65, Scaled & Masters – 75/45)

Total score is total calories rowed + total calories on couplet.  PARTIAL rounds WILL be counted (1 calorie per rep completed) Partners may NOT switch until the couplet has been completed (all 10 reps).

Then 3 minutes total for EACH partner to work up to max snatch – This will be used as a tie breaker if necessary.


“Day of Infamy Gauntlet” (12 min. time cap)

Teams will be lined up with stations in a straight line in front of them. They will have to complete each station before moving on to the next.  There will be only one bar at each station and they must change the male/female weight out on their own.

Station 1: Each team member will perform 12 shoulder to overhead (Rx – 155/105 Scaled & Masters – 105/75)

One person moves bar to Station 2 then goes back and Lover’s Carry partner to Station 2

Station 2: Each team member will perform 7 deadlifts (Rx – 315/185 Scaled & Masters – 225/135) then Lover’s Carry to Station 3 (Lover’s Carry = carry in front, Rx only. Scaled and Masters may partner carry any way)

Station 3: Both team members must complete 41 total sandbag box-overs (24” for all divisions).  Athlete and bag must get over box, once this station is started the bag is not allow to drop to the ground or touch the box until all reps are completed.  Sandbag weight has not been determined yet but expect it to be relatively heavy.  **THIS PART HAS BEEN MODIFIED!!  Once all 41 total sandbag box-overs have been completed, one partner will Lover’s Carry the other back to Station 2

Station 2:  Each team member will perform 7 deadlifts (same weights as described above).

One person moves the bar back to Station 1 then Lover’s Carry to Station 1

Station 1:  Each team member will perform 12 shoulder to overhead (same weights as described above).


The moment you have all been waiting for…or not.

X’s & Y’s Video
Don’t worry, standards and WOD’s will be released this week but this should keep you entertained until then!

Also, we are still in need of some volunteers so please help us spread the word!

ATTENTION!!  We’ve managed to add a few more spots for each division so registration has been re-opened!  The remaining spots are limited so register quickly before they’re gone!  Masters is the only division that is FULL right now.

IMPORTANT!!!  Once you register, EACH TEAMMATE MUST click on the link below in order to sign our online waiver!!!

X’s & Y’s Online Waiver

More details will be released soon but if you have questions about which division you should register for, keep this in mind…

As long as you can complete 80% of your normal WOD’s as prescribed, Rx should be good.  Once we release more information, if you feel you belong in a different division we will be happy to move you as long as there is room in the division you’re switching to.  This event will fill up fast so get in while you can!

We look forward to seeing all of our “couples” in December!