The Garage Games

Winter WOD & ROLL

Winter WOD & ROLL

Augusta, GA - November 7th-8th

CrossFit Good Vibes is once again, looking forward to letting the Good WOD’s Roll!!! nThis event will be a 2 Day, Individual and 4 Athlete Team Competition. nnIndividuals will compete Saturday and Teams on Sunday. Both Individuals and Teams will Battle their way through 4 WOD’s to shoot for the top spot on the podium and be crowned the Top WOD N’ Roller!!!n nWe will running an overall Affiliate Point Standing Leader Board in Which the Top 3 Affiliates will receive custom Banners to hang in their Boxes.


WOD 1A & 1B“Big & Fast”…

On a 12minute running clock athletes will have 6 Minutes to establish a 1Rm Snatch….
There will be a 1 Minute Transition
Then at the 7minute mark athletes will do….
75 Snatches(75/55) for time

On a 15minute running clock athletes will have 6 Minutes to establish a 1Rm Snatch….
There will be a 1 Minute Transition
Then at the 7 minute mark athletes will do….
75 Snatches(75/55) for time

On a 15minute running clock athletes will have 6 Minutes to establish a 1Rm Clean (anyway)….
There will be a 1 Minute Transition
Then at the 7 minute mark athletes will do….
75 Ground to Overhead (75/55) for time

WOD 2 “Wacky Jackie”

For Time.
1k Row
50 Wall balls 12/10ft 20/14lbs
30 Kettlebell Burpees over the box….24/16kg 24/20in
*athletes will have a kettlebell in each hand

1k Row
50 Wall balls 10ft 20/14lbs
30 Kettlebell Burpees over the box….16/8kg 24/20in
*athletes will have a kettlebell in each hand

1k Row
50 Kettlebell swings (weight TBD)
30 Wall Balls 10/8ft 20/14lbs

WOD 3 “Double Up”
6 Minute AMRAP +2Reps Each Round

***Note- The HS Walks will be scored as reps in 5ft increments, 5reps per 5ft increment.
An athlete struggling with the HS walks may still progress through the WOD, but will miss the points/reps for the HS Walks.

2 Ring M.U.
25ft HS Walk
2 Weighted Pistols 24/16kg
+2 reps every round, 6 minute AMRAP

2 Toes to Rings
25ft Plate OH Walking Lunges 45/25lbs
2 Goblet Squats 24/16kg
+2 reps every round, 6 minute AMRAP

2 Rings/Heels to parallel
25ft Plate OH Walking Lunges 25/10lbs
2 Goblet 16kg/8kg
+2 reps every round, 6 minute AMRAP

WOD 4 “Get a Grip”

For Time.
50 D.U.
5sets of 1 Clean, 1 Hang Clean, 1 Jerk 205/115
50 D.U.
5sets 1 TTB, 1 Pullover, 1 Bar M.U.
50 D.U.
5 Legless Rope Climbs

For Time.
25 D.U.
5 sets of 1 Clean, 1 Hang Clean, 1 Jerk 185/105
25 D.U.
5sets 1 Pullup, 1TTB, 1 Burpee Pullup
25 D.U.
5 Rope Climbs

For Time.
55 Single Unders
15 Ground to Standing Rope Climbs
5 Sets of 1 DL, 1 SDLHP, 1 Ground to Overhead 95/65
55 Single Unders


WOD 1A & 1B “Banana Split”

On a 14 Minute running clock teams will have 8minute to establish a 1Rm snatch for all team members (1barbell)….. at the 8 minute mark teams will have 6 minutes to establish a 1 Rm split snatch for all team members.

On a 14 Minute running clock teams will have 8minute to establish a 1Rm Clean & Jerk for all team members (1barbell)….. at the 8 minute mark teams will have 6 minutes to establish a 2 Rm Thruster for all team members.

WOD 2 “Tonka 4×4”
***In case of inclement weather the 4x400m relay race will be replaced with a 4x 150 D.U. relay race

Team member will complete a 4x 400m relay sprint then complete 40 burpee tire flips (1 athlete working at a time).

Team member will complete a 4x 400m relay sprint then complete 40 burpee tire flips (2 athletes working at a time).

WOD 3 “D.T. Dozen”

Team member will complete 12 rounds of D.T. with 1 team member working at a time, partitioned anyway. 155/105lbs
Team member will complete 12 rounds of D.T. with 1 team member working at a time, partitioned anyway. (95/65lbs)

WOD 4 “Fight Gone Super Bad”
For Time.
200 Wall Balls 20/14 10ft
200 Box Jumps 24/20in
200 SDLHP 75/55lbs
200 PP 75/55lbs
200 Cal Row
20 Rope Climbs

160 Wall Balls 20/14 10ft/8ft
160 Box Jumps 24/20in
160 SDLHP 45/35lbs
160 PP 45/35lbs
160 Cal Row
20 Ground to Standing Rope Climbs