The GA Pride Masters Tour is the first of a series of National/International events (if you are a potential host interested in this series of events, email me), devoted to the Masters Athletes. Each annum, the same WOD’s will occur in all of the Masters Tour Events.
110 Londonderry Court – Woodstock GA 30188 (See map image to the right)
This event will provide 5 year age divisions, and 10 year for scaled:
RX: 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60+
Scaled: 35-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
Your entry fee includes a lunch provided by Pre-Made Paleo, a T-shirt, Socks and medals to the top 3 of each gender in all divisions.
Box Jumps/Step-ups (Box Height is 24″/20″ for all ages)
RX: 35-39: 315#/205#; 40-44, 45-49: 275#/155#; 50-54: 225#/115#; 55-59: 185#/95#; 60+: 155#/75#
Scaled: 35-39: 205#/135#; 40-44, 45-49: 185#/95#; 50-54, 55-59, 60+ : 115#/65#
Bar Over Burpees
Shoulder to Overhead
3, 6, 9, 12… reps of each until time expires.
RX: 35-39: 155#/95#; 40-44, 45-49: 135#/85#; 50-54: 115#/65#; 55-59: 95#/55#; 60+: 85#/45#
Scaled: 35-39: 95#/55#; 40-44, 45-49: 85#/45#; 50-54, 55-59, 60+ : 65#/45#
*All loads below 95# can use small plates, down to a naked bar for purpose of burpees
30 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls
10 Snatches
RX Wall Ball – 20#/14#
RX Heights – 35-59 = 10’/8′
Scaled Wall Ball, RX 60+ Wall Ball – 20#/10#
Scaled Heights, RX 60+ Heights – 9’/8′
RX: 35-54: 75#/45#; 55-60+: 55#/45# (clean and jerk is ok for this group)
Scaled: 35-54: 75#/45#; 55-60+: 55#/45# (clean and jerk is ok for all ages in scaled), single unders at the same count per round