The Garage Games

GIs and Janes 4

GIs and Janes 4

Jackson, MS - October 10, 2021

Mississippi's biggest competition! All of the workouts are versions of CrossFit's Hero and Girl Workouts. Sunday's team competition will offer divisions for Rx and Scaled athletes.

**this is not an exhaustive list of all movements**

Team Movements Required: 


Double Unders

Hang Power Snatch 75/55

Clean and Jerk 135/95

Bar Muscle Up (1 partner)

Rope Climbs (1 partner)


Single Unders

Hang Power Snatch: 55/35

Clean and Jerk: 95/65

Pullups (1 partner)

Seated Rope Pulls (1 partner)


Modified Annie

For Time:

50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders (100-80-60-40-20 Singles Scaled)

50-40-30-20-10 Synchronized Butterfly Situps

Cap: 13:00

Description: At the call of 3-2-1, Partner 1 will complete either 50 DUs or 100 SUs.  Once completed, partner 2 will complete 50 DUs or 100 SUs.  Once Partner 2 finishes, both partners will complete 50 Synchronized butterfly setups.  Upon completion of 50 situps, partner 1 will then complete 40 DUs or 80 SUs and so on.

Synchronized Butterfly Situps: The rep will be counted when both athletes touch their feet simultaneously.  Athletes much tough the ground behind their head in the bottom of the situp and shoulders must go over the hips at the top of the situp.


Modified Andi

For Time:

150 reps of each of the following movements:

Hang Power Snatch

Push Press


Front Squat

RX: 65/45

Scaled: 55/35

Cap: 15:00

Description: At the call of 3-2-1, partner 1 will begin completing the 150 repetitions of the hang power snatch.  Whenever they break, partner 2 will pick up where partner 1 left off in the count.  Upon completion of 150 reps, the team will move on to 150 repetitions of the push press.  This will continue until 150 reps of Front squats are complete or until 15:00 is reached.

Hang Power Snatch: The athlete must deadlift the bar up and pause before beginning rep number one.  The athlete must finish each rep with arms fully locked out overhead.  The bar may not drop below the knees to be considered a hang power snatch.

Push Press: The athlete must perform a true push press with one dip and drive to full lockout of the elbows, hips, and knees.  Athletes will be no repped for not locking out or for performing push jerks.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull: The athlete must start with their hands inside their feet.  The width of their feet does not matter.  The rep will be counted once the elbows have reached higher than the collar bone.

Front Squat: The athlete may perform a squat clean for their first rep.  Hips must go below parallel with the knee caps for each rep and full extension of the knees and hips must be achieved for each rep.

WOD 3: 


1 RM of 1 Snatch+1 hang snatch+1 OHS: each team member gets 3 attempts at a max going on a 2:00 windown alternating btw partners

0-2:00: Partner 1

2-4: Partner 2

4-6 P1

6-8 P2

8-10 p1 

10-12 P2

Cap: 12:00

Description: At the call of 3-2-1, partner 1 may load their barbell with the help of their other partner to their first weight attempt.  The athlete will then have the remainder of 2:00 to complete the complex of 1 snatch+1 hang snatch+1 OHS unbroken. The athlete may take as many attempts as they want at that weight during the 2:00.  They cannot change their weight choice during that two minute period. At the 2:00 mark, the athletes may load the bar for partner 2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s attempt.  At the 4:00 mark, the athletes may load the bar for partner 1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s 2nd attempt.  And so on until both athletes have had 3 attempts within a 2:00 window each.  Squat Snatch or Power Snatch is allowed 

Hang Power Snatch: The athlete may not drop the bar below the knee caps in the hang position.

Overhead Squat: The athletes hips must drop below parallel with the knee caps and full extension of the hips and knees must be reached for the rep to count.

The combined weight of the two athletes will be the score.

WOD 4:

Modified Kellam

Partner 1: 15:00 AMRAP:  (10:00 Scaled)

1 Mile Run (scaled 800M Run)+30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 (Scaled 95/65)


AMRAP Bar Muscle Ups in remaining time (scaled: Ring Rows)

Partner 2: 15:00 AMRAP (10:00 Scaled)

100/80 Cal Bike+30 Burpees with Overhead Clap

+AMRAP Rope Climbs in remaining time (Scaled: Seated Rope Pulls)


At the call of 3-2-1, partner 1 will complete a 15:00 AMRAP (Scaled 10:00) of:

1 Mile Run (Scaled 800M)

30 Clean and Jerks (135/95, 95/65)

Max Bar Muscle Ups (Scaled Ring Rows) in remaining time

At the 15:00 mark (Scaled 10:00), partner 2 will complete a 15:00 AMRAP (Scaled 10:00) of:

100/80 Calorie Echo Bike (Scaled 50/40)

30 Burpees with Overhead Clap

Max Rope Climb (Scaled Seated Rope Pulls) in remaining time

*Score is combined reps of bar muscle ups and rope climbs or ring rows and seated rope pulls

Bar Muscle Ups: the athlete must start will elbows in full extension.  The athlete may not perform a kip up.  They must pass thru a portion of the dip for it to count.  The elbows must fully unlock in the bottom of each rep.

Ring Rows: The athlete will be measured ahead of time with the top of the rings sitting at the athlete\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s hips. The athlete must start with their feet right under the rings and fall back from there.  Their feet must remain there with only heels on the ground.  The athlete\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s chest must touch the rings and fully unlock in the bottom.  The athlete must maintain a plank position throughout the rep.

Burpees with Overhead Clap: The athlete must start fully standing.  The can step down or drop down to the floor with chest and thighs making contact with the ground.  The athlete may step or jump up from the burpee, however, a jump with an overhead clap showing full hip extension must be achieved each rep.

Rope Climb: The athlete may get up however they like.  There will be a designated tape line that they must touch.  They can come down however they like after they have reached the designated drop tape line.

Seated Rope Pulls: The athlete may have feet flat on the floor but must use only hands to pull themselves up to fully standing and lower themselves to fully laying.  The rep is counted once the athlete is lying down again.