The Garage Games


World Wide WOD - The Fall

Anywhere, USA - November 1st-12th

Find Perfection in your imperfect world. WOD's will have substitutions of complete movements without penalty. Allowing you to pick your stronger of two movements. Speed will be a consideration, as well as total fatigue... choose wisely!

The Fall – an opportune time to find perfect scores in a world that is less than perfect.  You can use this unique competition to find the best solution to your WOD.  Identify areas where you can find success, as WOD’s allow you to select one movement choice over another, or to completely alter the order.

Choose wisely, you will have eleven days to accomplish four WOD’s.   So you probably won’t be doing them over an over again.

The WOD’s will be announced when competition opens, on Thursday night at midnight, November 1st.  You will need to have submitted your scores by Monday November 12 at midnight.

All of the components of all WOD’s will be released no less than four weeks prior to the opening of the event.

RX Skills – MU’s, DU’s, HSPU’s, Oly Lifts, Chest 2 Bar PU’s, and all the usuals.

Open Skills – will have subs for all movements of potential difficulty


Like the Aftermath, if you are trying to win top three positions, we will require a video.  Otherwise, all other positions will not require video verification.  We ask you to do them in the presence of a coach if you do not have a video, as that will be our way to verify scoring.  Without a coach or video, if your score seems unlikely, we might require you to re-do the WOD.